Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finally,they are married...

First there was the divorce,then the date and then he got married YET again.Well,it was no surprise really.Yes,Im talking about French President Nicolas Sarkozy.News about his marriage with former model Carla Bruni broke yesterday after the mayor,who was also the official who performed the ceremony made the announcement official.

According to him,it was also the first time in the history of the country that a president has got married in office,but actually I believe it was the second time that it has ever happen.You have to go back to 1931 when Gaston Doumerque got married.It was attended by about 20 close friends and family.Mr Sarkozy of course kept the date of his wedding a secret when he told that the French people will know it when the marriage had already taken place back at a new conference in January.This was of course Sarkozy's third marriage. He ended a stormy 11 year marriage to Cecilia Ciganer-Albeniz in October.Sarkozy and Bruni reportedly met at a dinner party only a few weeks after the divorce.They first made headlines in December when they were photographed together at Disneyland theme park outside Paris.Then they went vacation on countries like Egypt and Jordan openly.

Sarkozy has a 10-year-old son,Louis, from his marriage to Cecilia and two sons,Pierre, 22,and Jean, 21,from his first marriage to Marie-Dominique Culioli.Bruni meanwhile has a six-year-old son,Aurelien,from her relationship with philosopher Raphael Enthoven.And of course as expected,Mr Sarkozy opinion poll ratings have slumped in recent weeks.During the 2007 French presidential election if you could remember,Mr Sarkozy was going against Ségolène Royal and I was supporting Mr Sarkozy all the way and when it was announced that he was going to replace Jacques Chirac,I was very pleased.The only reason why I was supporting him was because he was a pro American,unlike his predecessor or his opposition but unfortunately things hasnt been going to well since he has taken over.And when I heard about his latest divorce,I had also lost some confidence in him,but you couldnt blame him for marrying the model.He is certainly a lucky man.

Whatever it is,it is his life and if he is happy,I am happy for him as well.I just hope that this will be his final marriage and he will have to start to do something to win back confidence from the French people soon.But we can all share his joy and celebrate this happy occasion for now,well at least I am feeling that way.How about you? What do you think of Mr Sarkozy latest marriage? Do tell your views because I would love to hear them.
*The report was taken from CNN.

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