Friday, March 14, 2008

US student suspended for bringing candy to school...

I dont know if you have heard this news before but in case you havnt,I just want to share with you because it is such a ridiculous news,in a funny way as well.It happen quite recently at a school in the US.It is about an eighth-grade honors student,who was suspended for a day,and barred from attending an honors dinner and stripped of his title as class vice president after he was caught with contraband candy! Well it was Skittles to be precise.

Why you may ask? It is because his school has banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy,according to a school spokeswoman.Unbelievable.I understand the school has the interest of the students well being but I think there are many other ways,appropriate ways to deal with the situation.I dont think the selling of candy is a serious issue.I know my secondary school did some changes to the food from the canteen,like asking the canteen vendors to sell more healthy foods,but not until they ban the selling of candy or eating it,as long as you dont litter the school premises.But anyway,after the students parent went to talk to the principal about the suspension,the school has decided to give back his student council post back.They cant possibly cancel the suspension decision because it was only for one day.She also said that she should have reinforced in writing the verbal warnings against candy transactions.The student of course said later that he didnt know about the ban,but he admitted that the student selling the candy was secretive.Whether he really didnt know about it,Im not sure.

Well there you go.The story about how a student got suspended because he bought candy in his school.The principal didnt said anything about taking down the ban,so I guess the ban will still be reinforce.Im glad I am not schooling there or I will not be able to eat candies in school and I hope that the schools here will not introduce the same ban as well or there will be no more sharing of candies in the class.

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