Sunday, March 16, 2008

No more sharing of file online...

Yup you heard it right.From April onwards,there will be ban for file sharing from the internet.But dont worry.This only affect people from Japan.Japan has decided to beat France and the United Kingdom (both who have similar proposals) to become the first country to ban file sharers from the internet.How fantastic that is,and I mean it in a good way.

Interestingly though,this move has not been initiated by the Japanese government,but from Japan’s four internet service provider organizations after pressure from the record and movie industries.According to Torrent Freak,the internet file sharing website,the agreement would see copyright holders tracking down file-sharers on the Internet using “special detection software” and then notifying ISPs of alleged infringers.File sharers will initially receive a warning for a first offense,then be disconnected for subsequent offenses,eventually be disconnected from the internet permanently.Yup,it is that strict and I think it is good as well.I mean if you want to send a message,then you should do it in a very strong manner in which people will have to think twice before doing it.

I think it is a good move by the Japanese,a country where file sharing online is very rapid.With this ban in place,we will not see any irresponsible actions anymore.Its time to protect what is right.The problem of 'online piracy' as I like to call it has been going on for too long,not just in Japan but Im talking about globally of course.Now,I know many people will be very unhappy with this ban,but I think they need to understand the reason behind it.I dont know if this will be a start for other countries to follow suit,but I hope it will.Its about time we put a top on online file-sharing.If you want to see or hear it,then you have to go through the correct route,to protect the interest of yours and the people involve in producing the movies or songs as well.Its all for your own good.

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