I dont know if you heard about the news yesterday,but starting on Thursday which is today,there will be a 50 cents increase for movie tickets at Golden Village cinemasGolden Village Multiplex has announced that it will revise its ticket prices at its nine outlets.The organisation said the price increase is a result of the current market situation and rising costs.
But you might want to take note that for Gold Class and Cinema Europa ticket prices,movie promotional packages and rates with banks,students and other promotional partners,the movie tickets will remain unchanged.So I think if you are still a student,or if you are watching at Gold Class or Cinema Europa,you dont have to worry about paying more for the tickets.Other movie organisations like Cathay Cineplex and Eng Wah Organisation have no plans to increase ticket prices however.But whether they will change their plans in the future,which I believe they will do,Im not so sure.Thats the bad news.I have also a good news to share with you.If you watch a movie at Tampines GV from now till 30th April,you will only need to pay $6 instead of the normal $8,that if you watch the movie during any of the weekdays and before 5pm,which I always do,so its good news for me.By saying students,I mean those who are still in primary, secondary and tertiary education in Singapore of course.It is not valid during the school holidays,not that there is any school holidays coming up and each student/concession pass is valid for up to a maximum of 2 discounted tickets purchase only.And please remember to bring your student card if you are coming down.All this only at my favourite cinema,Tampines GV.
I was quite surprised when I heard that GV is going to raise the movie ticket prices more surprising when it is probably the most profitable movie organisation in Singapore as compared to the other two organisation.This is my personal view anyway,I dont have the exact net profit or net loss for all three but when you talk about going to watch a movie,Golden Village will definitely comes to your mind in the first thing.But good news for me and you,as students,the price will remain unchange.I am a huge movie goer,so I was very relieved when I heard that part.In fact next Monday,Im going to watch a new movie.So the group of people that is going to be affected by this decision the most is probably going to be your parents or those who are old enough not to be call students anymore.Anyway,50 cents is not much of an increase for me at least.But nowadays,people always try to find the easier and cheaper way to watch the movie like buying illegal VCDs or DVDs,I dont do it that often.So if you can,try not do it too often as well.Support the movie industries and support it the legal way.Or if you want to save money,you can always go to Eng Wah or Cathay though I think Golden Village offers the best experience to the movie goers.A lot of good movie coming up fast and furious,Indiana Jones,Narnia,Batman,wow I cant wait.Hopefully my money wont go burst so quickly!
*This report is taken from ChannelNewsAsia.
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