Friday, May 2, 2008

Paula Abdul's blunder on 'Idol',was it all plan out or not?

If you had watch this week's episode of 'American Idol' on Wednesday night,you should know what I am talking about.But for those of you didn't know what it is,I will still explain to you.On Wednesday night during the show,one of the judges,Paula Abdul made a big blunder when she tried to explain comments she made during TuesdayWednesday evening’s live broadcast,in which she offered a critique of a performance that had not yet taken place.

The strange episode on Tuesday featured performances by the Top 5 finalists.Each singer prepared two songs for Tuesday’s show,and early in the broadcast Ryan Seacrest,the host,told the audience that the judges would not offer their regular critiques until after the singers had performed both songs.But after each singer had performed a first song,Seacrest reversed course,bringing the performers onstage and asking the judges quickly to critique the performance of the first song.Seacrest then said later after the show on a radio show that the change was made in the last minute by an executive producer of the show as the fifth contestant,Syesha Mercado,was performing her first song.When Seacrest asked Paula Abdul for her comments,she offered her critique on Jason Castro’s “first song,” “Forever in Blue Jeans,” then added a comment on his second song when he only had actually performed one song only.

As Seacrest anxiously glanced offstage for help,fellow judge Randy Jackson,who was sitting beside Paula at the judges’ table,gently prompted her to make comments “just on the first one.” Confused, Paula then said to Jason Castro that she thought he has 'sung twice'.After realizing what had occurred,she then explained that she got her notes mixed up and had meant her comments to be about the next singer,David Cook.After the show,Paula Abdul revealed that she had seen part of the dress rehearsal,which takes place about two hours before the live broadcast,and had mixed up the rehearsal and the live performances.Now this incident has cause a big controversy over the show's credibility.Questions are starting to be ask such as whether the judges are given scripted comments to recite about the contestants.However,chief executive of FremantleMedia North America and an executive producer of “American Idol,” said Wednesday that the judges are never given scripted comments,and that she does not believe that the credibility of the show has been compromised.

I have been following the show since its started and what had just happened on the show surprise me a bit.When I heard Ryan asking for the judges to give a quick comment on the performances after the first song,I was surprise as well and even more so when Paula gave her comments for two songs when Jason had only just performed for one song.It was not like it was a mistake on her part,but she seem like she knew how Jason had performed in the second song and gave her comments as such,that is why I am a little bit surprised.One thing we do know now is that the judges do get to watch the dress rehearsal before the actual performances so that they are better prepare to prepare their thoughts after the real performances itself and if it is scripted,it can only be done by the judges itself.I dont think the popularity of the show will go down after this incident but it is definitely one big blow to the show.

Whatever it is,I am still going to watch the show whether it is scripted or not.I mean how can you not like watching Simon Cowell when he is criticising the contestants.Whether it is scripted or not,I dont care.At least the voice of the contestants cant be scripted right? If you are interested to watch the video of Paula's blunder,you may click this link.

'American Idol' is on every Wednesday and Thursday night,10pm only on Channel 5 of course.Only four contestants are left after yesterday's elimination,and Im rooting for David Archuletta to go all the way to the final and win it.

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