I dont know if you have heard this story before.It is about emos getting attack in Mexico.But before we move on any further,we need to know what exactly is an emo.The term itself is controversial because there are many definition of it but the emo I am talking about here refers to people who are associated with open displays of strong emotion.
According to the online dictionary,Wikipedia,the term has become so broad that it has become nearly impossible to describe what exactly qualifies as "emo".There is one common thing though that you will notice when you see an emo and that is their fashion styles.The term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike,long fringe brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes,dyed black,and straight hairtight t-shirts among other things and they like to hear moody music.Emo fashion has changed with time.I think by now,you have some idea of what emo is all about.Now moving on to my story earlier,emos in Mexico is now under attacked because a group of people,which includes urban tribes such as punks,metallers and cholos are deriding the emos for being posers who are overly sentimental and accuse them of robbing from other music genres.
With roots in Washington,D.C.,in the 1980s,emo bands play a style of rock that borrows much from punk and indie rock.They focus on exploring their emotions with a particular dwelling on typical teenage depression.Most of all,however,the assailants target the emos for dressing effeminately,still a provocative act for many in a macho Mexico.The emos make a soft target for the aggressors.The vast majority are teenagers,often just 15 or 16 years old.It seems like the entire country is against emos.You can see their hatred on the internet in blogs and forums,some fill with death threats.The emos there are saying that it is getting dangerous for them to go out.They get shouted at and spat on and people are throwing things at them.While the city officials are calling for tolerance,many of the perpetrators appeared unrepentant,posting cell phone videos of the violence on the Internet alongside celebratory messages such as "Hey emos. If you are so depressed than kill yourselves," it said alongside one video.
Now before I move on any further,I would like to make myself clear,that I do not endorse or condemn the emos.My purpose of posting this article is just to inform you more on what is happening to the emos in another country and not to support or encourage the same actions to be repeated here.My view on this issue is that what the anti-emos are doing is totally unacceptable.They might not like them but it doesnt mean they are able to do anything they want to get rid of them.I believe Mexico is a democratic country and hence,any group of people should be able to practise what they want regardless what they stand for.I have seen a video of the bashing up,and it is really scary.Hundreds of anti-emos attacking a trio of emos.This shouldnt be happening at all and when there is death threats involve,it has become a serious matter.
The government has to step in and do something about the current situation before someone could really get kill.I dont exactly know what emos actually stand for because Im not one and I dont think they will pose any danger or threats to the majority so I dont see any reason why these Mexicans are beating the hell up of emos and hating them for no reason whatsoever.Its not a question of who is an emo or who is not.I just hope the problem will be solve as soon as possible and that both the emos and anti-emos are able to live peacefully side by side together,though I doubt it will happen anytime soon.
If you would like to see a video of an anti-emo riot,you may go to this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kcYt-AYRXg
*The report was taken from TIME & Wikipedia.
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