Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tony Blair launches Faith Foundation

Are Ahmadinejad's Days Numbered?

Larijani recently addressed global themes in his address to the opening session of the Majlis,dressing down the International Atomic Energy Agency and praising Hizballah which surprisingly,received a congratulatory call from European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana.While Iran's insistence on its right to enrich uranium unites all major factions in the country,Larijani represents a more pragmatic approach to handling the issue,aimed at finding agreement with the West and avoiding confrontation.Larijani's stunning return to center stage in Iranian politics makes two things clear: President Ahmadinejad's hold on power is slipping badly,and next year's Iranian presidential election race is now wide open.Ahmadinejad's defeat in the Majlis is the latest sign of the ferment within Iran's ruling conservative coalition,which dominates the legislature.Larijani engineered two impressive political victories,first to win a seat in the 290-member assembly,and then to oust a sitting speaker.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The six-plus-five rule...

On average,there were only four players available for England duty in each Premier League starting line-up last season.As you can see there, Arsenal had the lowest number of English starters, averaging 0.34 per match,while West Ham had the highest number,with 6.61.The Hammers and Aston Villa (6.42) were the only two clubs in the Premier League to average more than six English starters last term,while the big four of Manchester United,Chelsea,Arsenal and Liverpool,averaged just 2.64 per game.Therefore,you can see where Mr Blatter's concern is comign from.However,I dont think the idea of having 6 home grown players starting a match is a good one especially in the Premier League because its a global brand and I don't think many clubs will go well with the rule.It would be interesting what will happen to a club like Arsenal if the rule is actually being implemented.I think the current UEFA rule is enough to solve or at least help to diffuse the current situation.Football is a global business,hence you need to go global to find new players but you shouldnt forget your local players.They too needs to be given the opportunity to shine on the big stage or their talents will go unnoticed.this could go further to increase the already ridiculous prices that clubs pay for English players.
If the FIFA plan does go through,I think it will be even more difficult for the clubs to attract foreign players and we will see more efforts being put into the academy system.It is not that england is lacking quality home grown players,but what if we come into a situation where clubs are being force to put their faith on their home grown players because of the lack of quality players in the team when in truth,they are not ready yet.This rule could also go further to increase the already ridiculous prices that clubs pay for English players and most probably,the most wealthy clubs (the top 4) will end up with all of the good ones.I think there should be a limit between the number of foreign players a club can buy in a season,maybe it will work I dont know.But it will be interesing to see if FIFA plan will actually be approve rather than limiting the number of foreign players in the starting 11.
As you can see,I have talk about the Premier League and the english teams for most of the time but it actually applies to all the other league in other countries as well.I talk about the english teams in particular because I think they will be affected the most.In any case,I hope the plan will not go through but at the same time,I hope that the top teams in the Premier League will give the english born players more opportunities to play in the first team.
*The report was taken from TEAMtalk and BBC.
The 'Don't Just Visit,READ!' Campaign...
And,have you ever wondered if your blog is actually being read by your friends or whether they just come and visit your blog just to tag your blog.I am sure everyone of you would like to have your friends actually read what you have just written down instead of just visting for a few seconds and just tag your chatbox without reading what you have actually posted.If you dont wish your friends to read what you have posted,then you shouldnt have start to blog in the first place.I know for those of you who visit your friend's blog,it might be a waste of time for you to read everything that he/she has posted on their blog regarding their daily life because some of them have a pathetic life and a boring life and whatever they do is none of your concern right? But try not to think that way and try to put yourselves in your friend's shoes.If you were the one who is doing the blogging,Im sure you will want people to read what you have written down,it will make you feel as if your time posting was worth spending and you will look forward to your next post because you know that there are people who want to read it.
Therefore today,I am glad to announce the official launching of the 'Don't Just Visit,READ!' campaign.It is aim at encouraging other people who are visiting your blog to drop by and read whatever you has posted,whether it make sense or not,and not just to tag some stupid comments.I am sure your friend who is blogging will feel much better if they know someone,even if it is only one person,is continuously visiting their blog and reading it as well.So spread the message and if you would like to support my campaign,you have the permission to copy and paste this whole post on your blog.Just give my name a mention for the credit I deserve or I will sue you for copyright infrigement.Till then,keep coming to my blog and read it too!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
'A Conversation With The Blogging God'
Hi there Syairazi.Thanks for your time.I would start the conversation with the same question I ask everyone else and that is where are you now and what course are you taking?
I'm in Temasek Poly,taking Biomedical Science.YEA!
I notice that you have not been enjoying your lectures that much.Why is that so?
Well the lectures are just too fast or too boring and to make things worse,lecturers tend to make something simple so difficult.Their explanations are done with so much complication and it doesn't help when I dont even have the basics of that particular subject.
I see.No wonder.I also heard that you are the class chairperson? Is it true and how did the whole thing came about?
(Laughs) Of course it's true! I was chosen because of the leadership qualities that I have shown during the orientation.Actually,it wasn't really because of the leadership qualities,it is because of my enthusiasm that drives the class forward.
I'm sure we all know how much enthusiasm you have Syairaizi.Now,let's go back again to our BNSS time,is there anything that you miss about the school?
Well first of all,I would like to say that I really miss my dearest 5A classmates.The nonsense that we did together in class,playing and studying together,how I miss those times.Then of course,I miss a few teachers who have guided me throughout my time in BNSS as well.
Back then in the class,there was a lot of nicknames given to you like 'housefly' and more famously 'trashold' given by Miss Berlina Tan.Sometimes,I notice you really enjoy being call all this names,but I know deep down in your heart,you do not really like it.Am I right?
Nope,not at all.It's all mere teasing.Anyway,whether I was angry or not,it wouldn't going to stop them from calling me those names.I dont practically enjoy being nicknamed but I dun mind it either.I think somewhere down the road,maybe a few months or years from now,those nicknames are going to be the talking point and it's also something for them to remember about me.
Now if I remember correctly,there was an incident where you had your school pants torn apart when you was trying to jump on the back of Ivan,fortunately it happened after school hours when not many people were around.How did you feel at the moment?
Strangely though,I didn't feel 'paiseh' (*embarrased) (laughs) .I was only thinking "how am I going to get home with this torn pants?" I was truly greatful to Azlan for lending me his pants and I'm not going to forget it.
Looking back at the five years you have been in the school,what have you learn about yourself?
Well all I can say is that I was noisy,talkative,crazy,friendly and of course,irritating which is my hobby.I also realised that the guys like to matchmake me with other people (laughs) and I have no idea why.
I see.During the recent chalet outing,you did say that there was one point of time you felt like you was going to cry.Why so?
At that point of time,when I was sending Grace,Pauline and Alex off,I was thinking to myself that it might be my last time meeting them especially Grace and Pauine because Alex is still my schoolmate.The time spent with them were precious and truly unforgettable.
Understood.So what are your plans after Poly?
I want to do my Doctorade hopefully (laughs).And I want to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor so I can give out free MCs to my 5A mates (laughs).
(Laughs) And finally,is there anything you wish to say to any of our former classmate who might be reading this now?
Yes.I want to thank each and every one of you from 5A.I definitely won't forget u guys.I hope we can all meet again in the future.The sooner it is,the better.But if it is later,then I hope to see each and everyone of you becoming successful already.I hope Wee Tiong and Yan Tong kick their paranoia attitude and I hope to see Grace grow taller (laughs) Sorry Gracie.I WISH EVERYONE GOOD LUCK IN WHATEVER THAT YOU DO!! And finally,I really wish I can meet all of you sooner so I can irritate you people bfore i turn 18 because I have to be matured already when I turn 18 right (laughs) .
I hope you will be successful as well and realise your dreams soon.Once again,thanks for your time and I wish you the best in your future endeavours.We have come to the end of my conversation with Syairazi.For more great interviews,remember to come to my blog again.Till next time,tata.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
An Annoucement.
Firstly,I am the Blogging God,and that means I deserve some respect.Like I have said many times before,you might not like me,but you will respect me.Some of you have taken advantage of the freedom that I have been giving you for granted and hence you shall be punish for your sins.Secondly,I think the chatbox is a complete waste of time and distraction.I also think that it is truly unprofessional for me to have the chatbox if I want to move to the next level.The main purpose of the chatbox was for you to discuss the issues that I have posted and not for you to waste your time asking me crappy questions.I know some of you have done the appropriate things but most of you have not.So you have yourselves to blame.And finally,the most important point is that you have to realize who am I.I am not just a common blogger like you,I am the Blogging God and I can do whatever I want whenever I want whether you like it or not.In fact,I can even close down my blog and will still be the one and only Blogging God.
Therefore,I have decided to take this course of action and will only restore back the chatbox when I feel you deserve it.I will not be disrespected anymore by you or anyone else for that matter so goodbye.
Malaysia's petrol ban....

Now,you might have heard the news before yesterday or in today's newspaper but I am going to tell you about it anyway for the sake of you who have no idea what I am talking about.The Malaysian government announced yesterday that will ban people in foreign-registered vehicles from buying gasoline in border areas of Malaysia,where heavy subsidies have kept petroleum costs low despite soaring prices internationally.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Why Monaco is still one of the best...

If you're an F1 fan,then you would find what I am going to say much easier to understand but if you're not an F1 fan,then I think you should not bother to read this post unless of course you have nothing better to do but to read it even though you don't have any idea what I am talking about.Anyway,I'm still going to move on to talk about yesterday Monaco Grand Prix.They say the Monaco GP is one of the most exciting race in every season and I completely agree.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Emo under attack in Mexico...

I dont know if you have heard this story before.It is about emos getting attack in Mexico.But before we move on any further,we need to know what exactly is an emo.The term itself is controversial because there are many definition of it but the emo I am talking about here refers to people who are associated with open displays of strong emotion.
Sharks swim closer to extinction...

A new study about sharks is showing a worrying trend.It is being reported that more than half of the world's ocean-going sharks are at risk of extinction.Specialists with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) found that 11 species are on the high-risk list,with five more showing signs of decline.
David Cook is the new 'Americal Idol'...

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Inconsiderate neighbours....
Yesterday,I went to sleep at 12 am and then I woke up a 3 to watch the Champions League final between Manchester United & Chelsea in which I hope it would end early so that I can go back to sleep earlier,but it went all the way to the penalty shoot out which ended at around 5.30am.I then performed my morning prayer and went back to sleep.I plan to wake up at 8am to watch the live telecast of the American Idol finals but I only managed to get an hour of sleep.At 6.30am,I was awake by the sounds of the horn coming from one of the motorcycle at the carpark below.I thought it would end soon but it kept going on and on I was so angry I took a look down and see what was happening.It turns out that the owner of the motorcycle kept horning because there was a car parked right in front of it,making him unable to move his motorcycle away.Now that car wasnt suppose to be there because there was not a parking area.I guess he did it because the carpark was already full but still,he cant do what he did,by parking in front of the motorcycle and blocking its path
So the motorcycle owner kept pressing the horn on and on,for about 5 to 10 mins and it was at 6.30 am when most of the people are still trying to get some sleep.It turns out I was not the only one angered by his actions.I heard some people shouting 'OI!' as well.The car owner didnt came down however but thankfully,a kind soul came down and help the motorcyclist to steer away his motorbike very carefully.There was a small gap between the car and the motorcycle and he was able to move it if he was careful.His wife was there too.Why does he need to act in such an inconsiderate manner by continuously pressing his horn over and over again.I know he is angry and he was trying to call out the car owner,but how about the other residents.In this case,both the motorcyclist and the car driver are irresponsible.When I came to look down again half an hour later,the car was gone.I think what the car driver did was totally irresponsible.If you cant find a parking space,dont block the path of the motorcycles and the motorcyclist was inconsiderate for disturbing the sleep and peacefulness of the neighbourhood so early in the morning.If no one had came down to help,I think he would still be pressing his horn now.
I hope that such matter wont be repeated again or I am going to complain to the GRC.As a result,I only got 4 hours of sleep yesterday but thank god I am not schooling now so I have all the time in the world to get the sleep I need.I would like to know if you have ever encountered such incident or other kind of incidents involving inconsiderate neighbours.Do tell me.
Ever wanted to travel around Singapore just by one route?

Well,you will be able to do just that in the future.You will soon be able to stroll, jog or cycle around the whole of Singapore just by following an extensive route. The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is developing a 150-kilometre round-island path as part of its Leisure Plan.The details of the plan was revealed yesterday National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan.
The round-island route will be developed over the next 10 to 15 years,but up to two-thirds of the path could be ready in just five years. At three and a half times the length of the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE),the route will comprise existing and new park connectors,waterfront promenades and other trails.It will also cover leisure destinations at the Marina Bay,Changi Point and the upcoming Jurong Lake District.It will cover places like the farms in Lim Chu Kang and if youre an adventurer,you may do some trekking near Kranji.You can also look forward to more quiet retreats,which will be made available with 900 hectares of new green spaces,including the new Gardens by the Bay and the Diary Farm Nature Park. ( See picture for the map)
When I first heard this news yesterday,I was very happy because I love to travel around Singapore but it has always been very difficult for me because I always have to take different bus and trains to go from one place to another but with this route,I can travel around the entire country just by following one route! Not only that,you will also be able to visit beautiful places like the farms in Lim Chu Kang and the upcoming Gardens by the Bay which I am really excited about.If you think it is going to be a boring journey,you are wrong because you will be amaze by some of the things that our country has to offer.Places that you have never been or you have never thought you would have gone before.I dont know how long will the entire journey takes if you don't plan to stop for sight seeing,but Im sure its going to take a while especially if you want to complete it all in one day just by walking or jogging.So I would suggest the best way if you are planning to complete the journey in one full day,take the bike instead.
I have walked long distances before in Singapore,from Bedok Reservoir to my home at Jalan Damai,as well as from Parkway Parade to my home.I dont care if you want to believe me or not but that is the truth.No doubt it is tiring but it was fulfilling nevertheless.The journey I took from Parkway Parade back to my home took me about 1 hour to complete whereas if you take the cab or the bus,its about 20 mins away,so I dont think I will able to complete the entire journey in one day.Nevertheless,Im still looking forward to it and if any of you want to join me,you know what to do.
Till next time,stay healthy and continue to exercise.
*The report was taken from ChannelNewsAsia
Bicycles to be allowed on trains & buses....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
'A Conversation With The Blogging God'

Hi Grace.It has been a long time since I have heard from you.So what are you doing now? I mean where are you schooling now?
I am doing fine and I am currently schooling in Republic Poly.The course that I am taking is the Outdoor and Adventure learning.Yes,sports is my type of thing.
That is nice to hear.So how are you enjoying your new school? Made any new friends?
Yeah definitely.The friends here are great and I always have an enjoyable time with them.
I have heard somewhere that you do not really enjoy talking about blood.Is it true and if so,why?
(Laughs) It's from my blog! Well for that,it is because it is a science-related course and I am not the kind of person who like science a lot so that should explain why.
(Laughs) You are right.So how would you compare life in Poly with life in secondary school then.Is there a huge difference or most of the things are pretty much the same?
Well,each place has their own pros and cons.For poly,life here is much relaxing but the politics are not desirable at all.Meanwhile for secondary school life,it is much more of a routine kind of life and everything is just there for you but the people in secondary school are more united.
I see.So have you been missing anything since you last left BNSS?
Absolutely! For me,it is the class that I miss the most and it is definitely none other than 5A.The class that have been bonded so well and also the life there in BNSS (Smiles).
I couldn't agree with you more.Now,if I remember correctly back in BNSS,certain students used to call you names in particular 'shorty' because of your height.Did it hurt your feelings and are you still angry with those people or do you think they was simply having fun and there was no harm intended?
(Laughs) No,it didn't hurt my feelings at all because I know they are simply having fun (Smiles) I don't mind at all,actually.After all,no ill-feelings intended (Smiles) .
It's good to hear that.Moving on,it's no secret that you enjoy playing badminton very much.What is it about the sport that you enjoy the most?
To me,badminton is not just only a sport but also a strategic game which allows me to think before I do anything.Basically to me,life's like a game of badminton.It's how we control the game and how we want this game to be interesting and enriching.Just like life,we control our lives,not leaving to others to control them and obviously,we want our lives to be interesting.I always tell my peers,life is not about winning but it's about the process that we are learning (Smiles).
That's a nice way to put it across.I know that recently,you met up with some of the girls like Cheryl and Pei Shan and the last time you saw them was probably during the chalet outing.Did you had a good time during the chalet outing and are you hoping that someday in the future,such event can be organise again?
Definitely,that was one of the best chalet I have ever been.Though not everyone was there,I still enjoyed every moment I spent there just like how I used to enjoy every moment we had in the class.Of course,like any other friends in 5A,I do hope that something similar could be organise again.I'll be glad to have 5A to be reunited again.
And what are your plans for the future?
I hope to complete my course here in Poly and then get a job in Outward Bounds while working.I would then hope to take a private diploma in psychology before go to the University to further my studies.
Like usual,I will ask the same question at the end of the interview.Do you have anything to say to any of our former classmate that might be reading this right now?
Life's like this : We have to move on with life someday and what's left of us are the beautiful memories that have been etched in our hearts forever (Smiles). To all 5A students,you know how much you have made a great impact on my life and for as long as I am here,I will never forget every single one of you (Smiles) Love.
We will not forget you as well Grace and we love you too.I wish you the best in your future endeavours and before I leave,I would like to wish a Happy Birthday once again.Till next time,see ya.
Obama's victory moves him closer to nomination...

More trains added,Will it ease the problem?

That is no suprise considering we are living in Singapore and MRT is probably the fastest way to travel from one place to another if you are considering taking the public transport apart from the cabs of course.SMRT has actually increased the number of train trips by adding 83 more train trips per week back in February but they are now introducing even more trips.More than 50 per cent of these will be during weekday lunch times (noon-2pm),when waiting time will be halved to just three-and-a-half minutes,according t SMRT.Improvements are also expected for those who go home later after work and those who go out on Friday evenings.SMRT said they are already operating at the best intervals of two minutes at the peak within peak and cannot improve this any further,for now.In a month's time,SMRT plans to increase frequency on weekends,for those travelling to and from town and the suburban areas.
I think this is a good action by SMRT.I dont normally take the train during the peak hours,but it doesnt take a stupid person to know that the peak hours are always the time when the train will be totally pack.I dont know if adding more trains during the weekday lunch times is a good idea because as far as Im concern,that is probably the only time when the trains are not that crowded.I think it is maybe because people are taking the trains to go to another place to have their lunch and therefore,if they can take the trains faster,they can have their lunch quickly and get back to work on time.I also think that the new waiting time is reasonable,three-and-a-half minutes as compared to six or 5 minutes.Less waiting time means less people waiting and that also means that less people will be able to board the train each time.I hope this will ease the problem of overcrowding.
It is also good to hear that SMRT is planning to increase the frequency on weekends,for those travelling to and from town and surburban areas.As you probably know,the train will also be very crowded during the weekends especially when you are travelling to and from town.I hate it when I have to squeeze around,so maybe the new plan will help to ease the human congestion and it will make me look forward more when I am planning to head to the town.I dont mind standing in the train for a long time,but being squeeze around and trying to squeeze yourselves out of the train in time can be pretty annoying.I also hope that the train commuters will have some consideration and move to the free space instead of just cramping up at the exit door.I have seen people not moving in when there is clearly a lot of free space and this is unacceptable.You are only making it difficult for the people to get on the train.
The additional train trips are expected to cost SMRT an additional S$5 million yearly.There have been some commuters who are afraid that with the increase in the number of train trips,there will also be an increase in the cost of fares.SMRT has not commented on this issue however.I dont mind an increase in the fares,but not too much.Anyway here is a video I would like to show you if you think our train problems is the worst. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbyJbtOpIU4
*The report was taken from ChannelNewsAsia.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Making you look like a fool....
Now,I know that the people who came before us and already got a seat have no obligations whatsoever to finish eating as quickly as they can so that the people who are waiting to find a seat will not have to wait any longer.Therefore,they should not be blame.But again,having to wait and stand while watching other people eating can be embarrasing.It has happen to me many times and Im sure it has happen to you as well.
So what I am proposing is for the foodcourt to install a system where it is able to tell how many people are there actually eating in the foodcourt so that those who has just came in to eat are able to see whether there are available seats and that they do not have to stand around like a fool while waiting and watching other people to finish eating.It is the same kind of system you see on a double decker bus.If such system is being implemented,then I wouldnt have to worry about having to look like a fool the next time I eat at a foodcourt.
Malaysia's Mahathir quits ruling party...

I don't know if you have heard the news yesterday about former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad quitting the ruling UMNO party in protest over the leadership of his successor Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.This was announced by his son adding that Mahathir announced his departure during a speech Monday in Alor Star,the capital of his home state Kedah.
Champions once again!