If you have been following the news about the Sichuan earthquake last month, you would probably know about the China cop who started to breast-feed several infants who were separated from their mothers or orphaned by the devastating earthquake. Jiang Xiaojuan, 30, left her 6-month old baby with her parents and took part in the disaster relief work, breastfeeding nine babies, earning her the nickname of "the police mum" in the press. Well, she now has been given a better job due to her kind deeds.
She got promoted recently, she was appointed to the Communist Party of China Committee of the Jiangyou Public Security Bureau and became the bureau's vice commissar, apart from being awarded titles as the "hero and model police officer" and "excellent member of the Communist Party". Her promotion was not well-recieved by some members of the public however. There has been online protests that promotions should be awarded on merit, not merely for good deeds. Many people voiced objections when the Jiangyou government sought public opinion only after making the promotion but there are also others who felt that she deserved the promotion as she did show she was a good public servant. [End of report]
I saw her on the news once during the early days of the earthquake and I have to say that she has a kind heart. I mean, if you are a mother, would you be willing to leave your 6-month old boy, who still requires to be breast-feeded, to go to the disaster area to offer your aid, not just some normal aid but to breast-feed the infants who were separated from their mothers. Some people would say why would you want to go to such extent to help when there are other better ways to do so. So I would have to applaud her for her courage and for being such a kind soul. But thats not the issue that I want to discuss here. I would like discuss whether her promotion was justify because of her kind act. Well if you ask me, I would say yes. I would like to take into account that it was a special situation and she did go beyond what was required of her and I think such acts should be greatly rewarded. There was nobody who forced her to do what she did, it was her own moral values that encouraged her to do it. She already said that there was nothing special about her kind act and it should not be widely mention so I don't think it is fair to say that she did it because she wanted to get some kind of reward or promotion. It was just her motherly instinct.
I'm sure she would be surprised by news of her promotion because I don't think she had expected it nor did she wanted it. But nevertheless, I doubt she will turn the offer down either. I'm sure she would be doing the same thing over and over again whenever she is able to extend her help even if she did got the promotion. So instead of protesting that she shouldn't get promoted just because she had performed a good deed, they should change their views and judge things in a different way. Yes, merits are important when someone is being considered to get a promotion but I think different situations require different outcomes and in this case, I think her promotion was fully justified. A promotion is just an increase of your position in a job, but it is the job that you are doing that matters the most and I think Mrs Jiang will continue to serve her community well as a public servant. I just hope that we will hear more kind deeds such as this one whenever there is a disaster happening anywhere in the world for that matter. Ordinary people can do extra ordinary things as demonstrated by Mrs Jiang. It’s a mystery women don’t often speak of publicly, what it’s like to nourish another human being or many from one’s own blood and bones. It is I think, one of the greatest honors in the world. It’s people like Jiang who really represent the true spirit of modern China, the compassionate soul.
I'm not asking for you to breast-feed any infants affected by a disaster when they are separated from their mothers if you're a mother yourself, but just a small kind deed will do. Alright I'm done for now, enjoy your weekend, and for you who are starting your new school term on Monday, enjoy your school life once again.
*The report was taken from REUTERS.
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