Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CNN's Richard Quest arrested for drugs in New York!

I was surfing the Internet today searching for the latest news when I came upon a shocking news which involved CNN's Richard Quest.Apparently,he was arrested last Friday in New York when police discovered he had drugs in his possession.

Initially,he was not being arrested for the drugs but actually he was arrested at 3:40 a.m. at New York's Central Park for being in the park after a 1 a.m. curfew.Police then discovered a plastic bag containing what was believed to be methamphetamine in his pocket,according to the police spokesman.He later appeared before a State Court Judge,who told him the case would be dismissed if he attends counseling,Quest's lawyer said.According to his lawyer,Quest did not realize that the park had a curfew and was returning to his hotel with friends,and that the matter is 'scheduled to be dismissed'.So I think he will be send to counseling.

If you have CNN in your home,Im sure you will recognise who Richard Quest is.He is the business news reporter on CNN International and hosts "CNN Business Traveler," as well as his own feature program, "Quest." Im not a big fan of his nor do I watch the show that he host because I dont really like the way he talk.I think he like to exaggerate things when he is talking but whenever I hear any news on any CNN reporter,I try to find out more on what is happening and this is shocking.I think he has tarnish the company's image by this incident,whether he knows about the curfew or not and hence,I think CNN should fire him.I hope I will never see his face again on CNN.Drugs is a serious crime,hence he should taught a lesson.Goodbye Richard,enjoy your counseling and I hope to never see you again on my TV.

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