Monday, October 20, 2008

The Blogging God welcomes his secondary school friends to the Black & White House...

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 20, 2008

Last Saturday, the Blogging God met with three of his secondary school friends in celebration of Hari Raya. His friends include Azam, Hasri and Syairazi. They went visiting each other's house after all of them had gathered at Syairazi's house first.

As you can see, the number was obviously small. If you compare it with the guys from Secondary 5B, they had about 10 to 15 people who went for their Hari Raya outing, but still the 4 of them had a lot of fun. After Syairazi's house, they headed to Hasri's place and then to Azam house, both of it by walking as they all live closely to each other. If given a choice, the Blogging God would prefer to take the bus but then again, with everything getting so expensive right now, you should try to save your money whenever possible. At Syairazi's house, they didnt do much nor did they met either of his parent, but his mother was kind enough to prepare macarroni for them and the Blogging God would like to thank her for that. And at both Hasri and Azam house, there wasnt any special dishes that were prepared, so they just had to make do with the 'kueh raya' or raya treats. The Blogging God particularly enjoyed the cookies at Hasri house while at Azam's house, he really like the pink coloured kueh, he is not sure of its name and the chips as well. After that, the Blogging God welcomed all of them to the Black & White House, his place of residence where they had pizza which his mum ordered and they managed to watch the first half of the Barclays Premier League match between Chelsea and Middlesbrough.

Although they didnt visit a lot of place, the Blogging God felt that it was a really fun and enjoying day out. They get to be updated on each other's life since they left secondary school, and they talked about a wide range of issues, including the current financial crisis, football, and secondary school memories among others. It was also a good time for them to meet as the Blogging God will be going to serve his National Service soon. He would like to thank the three of them for everything and for coming to his house as well and he looks forward to having the same thing again in the near future.

*If any of you guys want to have the picture, you can take it from his Friendster.

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