Sunday, September 21, 2008

Counting down to Syawal...

Greetings to all of my fans out there. How are you doing? I hope everyone is doing fine and for those of you who are fasting, continue to do so. As you all know, we only have a few days left before Ramadan leave us once again, so use every time and opportunity given wisely. After Ramadan, the Muslims will of course be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri and over the next few days leading to Hari Raya, I am going to talk about some topics that are related to the celebration.

My first topic is going to be about new accessories. Today, I want to ask you whether you think it is necessary to buy new accessories such as furniture, curtains or cushion covers everytime when it comes to Hari Raya. For me, I dont really think that it is necessary because I dont see why we should be wasting our money, especially during the current surrounding, where everything, from food to electricity bills are going up when we can use the old ones, considering it is still in good shape. I think about 90% of the people who come to our home during Hari Raya only do it once, and that is during Hari Raya itself, so I doubt that they will remember if we are using the same stuff from the previous year, unless you have any pictures taken from the Hari Raya last year and place it in the living room or something for everyone to see. Actually to be honest, there is nothing for you to be embarrass about if you are planning to use the same stuff to decorate your house for this year. Afterall, it is your house and you can do whatever you want with it. I know that it is important to give your guest a good impression of your house, but I dont that is the reason for them to visit, but rather it is because Hari Raya is an opportunity for everyone to get together and get updated on what has been happening over the course of the last one year or so.

Well, accessories and decorations aside, lets move on to talk about something that is much closer to your heart, something that you probably bring along for most part of your Hari Raya visits. Yes, I am talking about your 'baju raya' or raya clothing of course. I dont know about you, but for me, it is a must to buy them every year. I just dont feel very excited if I dont have a new baju kurung every year. It just doesnt feel right. I am willing to use the same 'kain samping' every year but not the baju kurung. Some of you might argue why the need to buy a new one when you only use it for a few times during Hari Raya. You are in someway right in saying that but there are other occasions that you can use it again such as going to the Friday Prayers or any religious related event. I think it is much easier for the guys to select a baju kurung but for the girls, it is much more complicated because from my experience, most of them prefer to have it tailored to their liking and most of them prefer to have at least 2 sets of baju kebaya which is understandable I guess.

Alright, I have shared some of my views regarding today's topic. I would love to hear from you now. Do you agree with me or do you have a different opinion. Please feel free to tell me. Hari Raya is coming in a few days time and I have yet to buy my baju kurung for this year, got to rush down to Geylang soon! Until then, happy fasting!

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