Alright people, this is going to be the third part to my 'Counting down to Syawal' series which will focus on issues that are related to Hari Raya. Today's topic is going to be about which mode of transportation do you prefer to travel during your Hari Raya visits. When I say transportation, it does not include public transports such as the train or bus though. I know that some of you prefer to book a private bus, while others the lorries, so let's take a closer look on the different types of transportation that are popular with the majority now.
Now, some of you might think that whatever method of transportation you prefer would not matter much. I think you are slightly mistaken if you think it as that way. Which kind of transport you use to travel with is sometimes important because if you pick the right one, you could visit more house on a particular day than you had previously plan to, or you could bring along your friend or relative to travel around with after you visited their home. Let's take the bus for example. I think it is becoming more common to see families booking a bus to travel with, and Im not just talking about those private mini bus, but Im sure you have seen some of them travelling on the bigger bus, like the coach bus for example. I think travelling in the bus is a good thing because first of all, it is comfortable. I mean you can enjoy the ride with your loved ones in the cool surrounding of the bus, and if you are tired or anything, you may have a comfortable nice nap on the seat. Nevertheless, booking a bus is not cheap. So you may have to consider other mode of transportation if you are trying to save your money. Lets move now to the lorries then. The lorries is not as comfortable as the bus if you are seating at the back, but it is much more cheaper than the bus. If it is a big lorry, then I think you can fit in the same number of people in the bus. The bad thing though is that some of the lorries are not protected at the back. This mean that you are open to the rain if there is any changes to the weather, and this will not be good as you will probably need to hold an umbrella while travelling or you will need to wait for the rain to stop before proceeding to the next house.
Just for your information, I had a similar experience once. My family and I was on our way to Woodlands when it started raining in the middle of the journey. Unfortunately though, we were still somewhere on the highway and there was no bridge for us to take cover from the rain. The nearest underground bridge was about 20 to 30 mins away. We did though brought our umbrellas for emergency use and we had no other choice but to use it. It was not a fun experience at all because I had to hold on to the umbrella very strongly as the winds were very strong. I was just worried that the umbrella would slip out from my grip but fortunately, nothing of that sort happened. We did reach the underground bridge soon but the rain had not stop. Im glad that the torment was over but I didnt like the fact that my entire jeans had been wet drenched in rain. But still, I have to say that the lorries are my favourite transport to travel with during Hari Raya because you are able to be out in the open if you are sitting at the back and this is a good thing because I always like to wish Selamat Hari Raya to any other families which I spot travelling on another lorry. Then there are the cars. It is undoubtedly the most efficent way of travelling, but I just feel it is kind of boring if you are traveling with only your parents and siblings when you can do it with your entire family.
Im done giving my views on the topic. I would love to hear from you though. Which is your preferred choice of transportation during Hari Raya? Tell me please. Till then, take care.
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