Dear Mr President,
What a long 8 years it has been for you! And throughout the 8 years, there have been many challenges and obstacles that you have had to overcome. Many things has happened during your time in the office, some good ones and some bad ones and being the President for so long, you dont have to be told on what are the things that have brought joy and peace to the country, and what are the things that have brought pain and suffering to the country.
When you first became the President, you had taken over a country which I believe was in a good shape and the people voted for you because they knew that you were the right person to continue the good job that had been achieved by the previous administration and they had the belief that you would bring the country to even further success, which you have managed to done over the last 8 years or so. Everything was going well for you until that one big disaster. Im referring to the cowardly acts by the terrorists on September 11 2001 of course. Many innocent lives were lost during that event and it was during those troubling times that America need someone to look up to, someone that they could trust and someone whom they knew would bring the perpetrators to justice. They were really fortunate because they had you as their President. I can remember how great you did in handling the situation. You showed great leadership, strength and determination and you reminded the people that America wont be easily defeated by her enemies. If anything, the incident only managed to bring the people closer together and strengthen their resolve to fight and defeat a common enemy.
Before the enemies could do any further damage to the country, you responded quick and fast by bringing the fight to the enemies itself when you declared war in Iraq. The Iraqis must be feeling thankful to you and the American people for ending their sufferings and injustice that they had to deal with under Saddam Hussein. The man as we all know is gone now and the Iraqi people could lead a normal life once again without having to worry about anything. The job in Iraq is not really done with, but the situation is improving day by day thanks to you and the great job that the American military service has done. You have managed to stop North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and are trying very hard to do the same with Iran. In the middle east, you share the same vision as every people in Palestine and Israel to achieve peace which is not an easy process. Nevertheless, even if you cant achieve your objective by the time you leave the office, you have at least leave the next administration with a better platform to begin with and when its all over and done with, you can say that you had contributed in someway towards the success.
The economy as well all know is not doing well currently, which could leave a sour note on your legacy but I dont think you should take all the blame for it. Nobody wants to see it happening. Job losses are at all time high and many people are forced to leave their house. Although your time as the president might be ending soon, you have demonstrated over the last few months or so that you will try to do your best to get the problem rectified before it get any worse. For example, you have asked Congress to pass the $700 billion rescue plan recently which I think was a great move. The situation will not change overnight though and everyone have to bear that in mind. When you leave office, you will surely be missed Im sure. Forget about what the people and the polls are saying, you are in my opinion one of the greatest president in the US history. I wish you could be the president forever but thats just impossible right. They say that you will need another great man to replace a great leader, and I believe Obama is the right guy to do that. It has been a roller-coaster 8 years with you and it has been my honor to call you Mr President for the last 8 years or so. I wish you well in your future and may God bless you.
Yours Truly,
The Blogging God
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